Hayarden Elementary SchoolCommunity project for children of immigrants & children of refugees

The "Hayarden Elementary School for children of refugees" which is located in one of Tel Aviv southern neighborhoods - "Hatikvah"- was originally built in the 60's.

500 pupils are studying in the school. Many of the children are asylum-seekers. For years the school was quite neglected and was just recently renovated on a very limited budget. The project’s brief was to create a fun learning environment with a contemporary feel, which would offer diverse ways of learning through play. With this in mind, the lobby was divided into different study areas. we created four different wooden boots in different geometric shapes allowing the kids to seat, study, read & play in groups or in privacy.

The project was done as pro-bono in collaboration with visionary educators, as we all strongly believe in the importance of aesthetic and designed learning environment for all children, especially in an economic disadvantage areas, where school becomes second home for these children who mostly don’t have the safe & intimate corner in their own home.

This unique project reflects our studio’s philosophy that design can be a tool for social change, and our strong belief in the power of education to change and influence.

House shaped nooks design, located in the entrance hall: Sarit Shani Hay
Architecture, interior design & project managing : studio STEINBERG // FISHER
Ecological garden by Lavi Kushelevich
The project was sponsored by Zionut 2000
Photography: Itay Benit

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